Sunday, February 26, 2012

Sunday School

While I was trying to pick a song for you this week that would edify your spirit, I remembered an album that I loved back in the 70's.  It's called: 

The Plan 
by The Osmonds.  

As I looked it up on YouTube, I found myself singing along to each video.  Yet, no one song quite told the whole story.  When I found this promotional video I thought it might do.  But to really get the concept you need to GET THIS ALBUM!! (I guess it would be a CD these days).  

The idea of the album is to teach us all about the Lord's plan for us as we came to earth.  The songs portray what we, and the world, might be going through in our lifetime;  Birth, Love, Confusion, Strife, finding Christ, and the struggle we face as we try to do what we need to do to be ready to return Home.  

Christ gave us a gift....but not everyone accepts it...and not everyone who does knows what to do with it.  There's a Plan.  We just have to follow it and not let anyone or anything, get us off path!

May today help you on your journey as we all are, in fact, preparing ourselves for going Home.

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